When a Luhya girl’s marriage breaks down, she goes back to her people to tell them that things are not working. She does not elope with another man. Nor does she go back home to tell her relatives about the new husband she has found, even as she upbraids her former husband. The children of Mulembe will want to remember this, in this season of political migration.
And those eyeing the Mulembe migrations will want to know something, too. In the Land of Mulembe you don’t move swiftly to behave armorously with a woman who has recently left her marriage. If you do so you will be blamed for breaking that marriage. If it should be true that have been an item, common sense would dictate that you allow the dust of the broken marriage to settle before you come in the open. For if our people should as much as imagine that you are responsible for the fallen marriage, they will not be happy with you at all.
Those walking out of their existing political marriages in Western and those preparing to contract new political marriages with them may want to take useful free advice. The shift from ODM began with what looked like a return to the native land. Budalang’i MP, Ababu Namwamba, spoke of what he called Mulembe Consciousness. The message was that the Abaluhya people were eventually begin to consciously address their ethnic nationhood, like most of the other communities in the country. They were claiming for their piece of the pie. They would therefore remain equidistant from Cord and Jubilee as they pondered about their political future.
It is turning our however that this may very well have been a preplanned migration to Jubilee.